Location 3885:

Lan hesitated, then spoke in a loud voice. "Why do we mourn?" The soldiers nearby turned toward him. "Is this not what we have trained for?" Lan shouted. "Is this not our purpose, our very lives? This war is not a thing to mourn. Other men may have been lax, but we have not been. We are prepared, and so this is a time of glory. "Let there be laughter! Let there be joy! Let us cheer the fallen and drink to our forefathers, who taught us well. If you die on the morrow, awaiting your rebirth, be proud. The Last Battle is upon us, and we are ready!"

Updated: Dec 03, 2021

Location 6253:

Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, had secretly always wanted to be hasty.

Updated: Dec 03, 2021

Location 18001:

Tam went up to the bier, beside Thom and Moiraine, who were holding hands, faces solemn. Moiraine reached over and gently squeezed Tam’s arm. Tam looked at the corpse, gazing down into his son’s face by the fire’s light. He did not wipe the tears from his eyes. You did well. My boy … you did so well. He lit the pyre with a reverent hand.

Updated: Dec 04, 2021

Location 18087:

He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone. —from The Dragon Reborn. By Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, the Fourth Age.