Location 1933:

“So spill it, Star Lord,” she said. “What’s your player ranking?” “My Terra Firma ranking is too abysmal to say out loud,” I said, laying on the false modesty with a trowel. “But in the Armada rankings I’m currently sixth.” Her eyes widened, and she swiveled her head around to stare at me. “Sixth place?” she repeated. “In the world? No bullshit?” I crossed my heart, but did not hope to die. “That’s some serious bill-paying skillage,” she said. “Color me impressed, Zack-Zack Lightman.”

Location 4280:

“Got it,” she said, as her fingers danced across one of the touchscreens in front of her. “Now I can keep an eye on you.” “I feel much better now,” I said. And I did, too. “You should,” she said. “I’ve got the skills to pay the bills.” She winked at me—all smooth, like a movie star.

Location 4325:

‘All things are ready, if our minds be so,’