By Fire Above: A Signal Airship Novel by Robyn Bennis
Location 1015:
IT WAS GOING well until Count Morishita asked, “Does your family go back very far, Captain?” Josette stood thinking about it—not a good sign at all—and said, “To the beginning, I suppose. Same as everyone else’s.”
Location 1303:
He had been first to reach the quarry by virtue of everyone in his way suffering simultaneous confusion as to whether the deer could be found at bay amidst the pack of barking shikokus, or off in some other direction entirely.
Location 1317:
“Shall we follow the rest of the field to breakfast, or just mill about in the woods like idiots?”
Location 1616:
“Yer just having an off night, is all. Happens to the best of us, my lord, and likewise to such as you.”
Location 1758:
And on an avenue near the airfield, suffused with the delectable, yeasty scent of baking bread, the sun crested the adjacent rooftops to pour its warmth onto the face of Lord Bernat Hinkal, who woke to the realization that he’d gone to bed on garbage again.
Location 5294:
She gesticulated at him. “Bernie, I don’t need weak ale to not die. I not… die… every… all of the…” She trailed off, puzzled for a way out of the grammatical maze she’d become lost in. Bernat patted her hand consolingly and said, “Some day, great men will discover how words fit together. For now, my dear, don’t trouble yourself with such inscrutable questions.”
Location 5363:
Josette continued, “What you have is something we in the army—those of us who’ve been in the army long enough to know, I mean—it’s what we in the army call, ‘being an asshole.’” She smiled reassuringly and made an expansive gesture with her hands. “Don’t worry, it’s a common condition.”