Changes (The Dresden Files #12) by Jim Butcher (Goodreads Author)
Location 354:
I folded my arms, glowered out at the night, and said, “I have literally killed people I liked better than you, Martin.” After another few moments, I asked, “Are we there yet?”
Location 441:
The man once wrote: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Tolkien had that one mostly right. I stepped forward, let the door bang closed, and snarled, “Fuck subtle.”
Updated Oct 18, 2019:
Location 2535:
“They say you can know a man by his enemies, Dresden.” He smiled, and laughter lurked beneath his next words, never quite surfacing. “You defy beings that should cow you into silence. You resist forces that are inevitable for no more reason than that you believe they should be resisted. You bow your head to neither demons nor angels, and you put yourself in harm’s way to defend those who cannot defend themselves.” He nodded slowly. “I think I like you.”
Location 2582:
Martin was alphabetizing my bookshelves. They used to kill men for sacrilege like that.
Location 3849:
“Butters,” I said. “Look at me.” He did, his eyes wide. “Polka,” I said, “will never die.”
Location 3979:
“I do not see how this helps us,” Sanya said, as I walked out from the little shop with four boxes of pizza. “You’re used to solving all your problems the simple way,” I said. “Kick down the door, chop up everybody who looks fiendish, save everyone who looks like they might need it. Yeah?” “It is not always that simple,” Sanya said, rather stiffly. “And sometimes I use a gun.” “Which I applaud you for, very progressive,” I said.
Location 4040:
Sanya’s eyes danced, though his face was sober. “You are a drug dealer. To tiny faeries. Shame.”
Location 4059:
Sanya stood looking steadily at me. I coughed. I waited. “So,” he said. “Mab.” I grunted vaguely in reply. “You hit that,” Sanya said.
Location 4071:
I had expected him to try to talk me out of it. Or at least to berate me for being an idiot. He didn’t do either. There was a calm acceptance of terrible things that was part and parcel of Sanya’s personality. No matter how bad things got, I didn’t think anything would ever truly faze him. He simply accepted the bad things that happened and soldiered on as best he could.
Location 4471:
I should have been feeling some of the strain by now, but I wasn’t. Go, go, Gadget Faustian bargain.
Location 4673:
Susan screamed. I screamed. The vampire screamed. The Ick...did that teakettle thing. And then we all started trying to kill one another.
Location 5135:
Susan went out first, to make sure there weren’t any problems with Lea, and everyone filed out after her, Sanya last. “Sanya,” I said. “Who did I get cast as?” “Sam,” Sanya said. I blinked at him. “Not...Oh, for crying out loud, it was perfectly obvious who I should have been.” Sanya shrugged. “It was no contest. They gave Gandalf to your godmother. You got Sam.” He started to leave and then paused. “Harry. You have read the books as well, yes?” “Sure,” I said. “Then you know that Sam was the true hero of the tale,” Sanya said. “That he faced far greater and more terrible foes than he ever should have had to face, and did so with courage. That he went alone into a black and terrible land, stormed a dark fortress, and resisted the most terrible temptation of his world for the sake of the friend he loved. That in the end, it was his actions and his actions alone that made it possible for light to overcome darkness.” I thought about that for a second. Then I said, “Oh.” He clapped me on the shoulder and left.
Location 5232:
Susan arched an eyebrow and looked from me to my godmother. “You have no shame about it at all, do you?” “Shame, child, is for those who fail to live up to the ideal of what they believe they should be.” She waved her hand. “It was shame that drove me to my queen, to beseech her aid.” Her long, delicate fingers idly moved to the streaks of white in her otherwise flawless red tresses. “But she showed me the way back to myself, through exquisite pain, and now I am here to watch over my dear godson—and the rest of you, as long as it is quite convenient.” “Spooky death Sidhe lady,” Molly said. “Now upgraded to spooky, crazy death Sidhe lady.”
Location 5660:
The Red King spoke. Alamaya listened and then said, “You do not speak the true tongue of the ages, wizard, so my lord will use this slave to ensure that understanding exists between us.” “Radical,” I said. “Wicked cool.”