Location 104:

When I discovered The Work—when it discovered me—I realized that reality is always good, whatever form it appears in. Every experience is supplied by a friendly universe. Every experience is a gift. It’s falling down; it’s getting up; it’s your everyday chores; it’s the smell of fresh strawberries, the smell of a dead mouse; it’s the death of a loved one; it’s your husband falling in love with another woman; it’s everything that happens in your life, whether you believe that it’s good or bad. People with questioned minds see the apparently bad as good, because they no longer live in the world of opposites, the world in which there is any thought powerful enough to override the true nature of things. They have realized this goodness so deeply that they can live it every moment of their lives.

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

Location 114:

I experience reality as something so benevolent, so beautiful, so pure, that there is no word for it.

Location 119:

Everything is fair, everything is right, everything is beautiful, and if you see anything in your life as unfair, you realize that it’s your next opportunity to question what you’re believing and remove yourself from ignorance. Anything that would darken your awareness is simply the next thing to question.