Location 31:

I am part of all that I have met." —TENNYSON To all of you, whoever you are, I humbly dedicate this book.

Location 63:

My life has been a series of wonderful experiences. It’s a pity I wasn’t there for most of them.

Location 65:

AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN FIVE SHORT CHAPTERS Chapter One I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost …. I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter Two I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in this same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. Chapter Three I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in … it’s a habit … but, my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. Chapter Four I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter Five I walk down another street.

Location 78:

I don’t know what I want sometimes, But I know that I want to know what I want. I know that once I know what I want I will be able to get it. Of course, I may not want what I get when I get it …. But, at least I’ll know I don’t want that! Then, I can move on to something else I don’t know if I want. That’s progress!

Location 95:

I know why we are friends. It’s because I don’t always approve of you. You don’t think you deserve approval. So … if I gave it to you, you would not approve of me and I would lose your trust. Friendship is based on trust and I want you to trust me because I need your approval. However, if I get your approval, I will not trust you because I don’t think I deserve approval either. I know why we are friends.

Location 118:

You have made a fool of me! I know that I am not the most beautiful, the most talented, the most intelligent person in the world … but I liked you … and I wanted you to think I was. So … I tried to be beautiful talented and intelligent for you. However, since I succeeded in making you believe it, naturally, I immediately lost respect for you for not seeing that I had fooled you. Now … I am intelligent enough, beautiful enough and talented enough not to be associated with fools … and I am incensed that I didn’t see how foolish you were at once. But … I liked you then … and … it drove me to make you believe what I wanted you to believe …. Except … I was so convincing, I began to believe it myself! Now … anybody who believes things like that about me is a fool. That makes me a fool! And if it weren’t for you believing what I wanted you to believe, I wouldn’t know that. I hate you for making a fool of me!

Location 131:

Will you please stop trying to finish my sentences before I do? It’s humiliating! After all … it’s my sentence! Let me show it off! I know you are really trying to let me know how sensitive and smart you are … and how deeply you understand me …. But … if you are that smart … please let me think that I am smarter than you by not impressing me with how smart you are in the middle of my sentences! Of course, if I am smart enough to be aware of what you are up to … Then, I should be smart enough to know it doesn’t matter what you do in the middle of my sentences. Maybe I’m not so smart! Now, that is humiliating!

Location 209:

How wise of you to wait … to fill the shy, awkward spaces with white wine and cushioned conversation. I am aware that you are allowing me time to become accustomed to the cities of your smile … and to window shop your eyes … until, at last, I am so full of you, that I no longer blush on my way into your arms.

Location 235:

It’s a dreary day …. Let’s just stay inside. We can pretend that Kisses are brushes and that we are each other’s canvases. We won’t need a northern light … or any light at all, for that matter …. And who cares if we ever finish the picture, anyway.

Location 279:

I would give you everything … if I could … but, the only gift worth giving is freedom … the freedom to grow … away from me if necessary. Of course, one can’t give freedom, but, at least I know that. Maybe that’s the gift then … the knowing …. And I couldn’t tie a ribbon around it even if I wanted to.

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Location 371:

The softer I walk The louder I hear.

Location 387:

The real growth is in recognizing that we do always get what we want in life … one way or another.

Location 393:

Listen to what you criticize most severely And you will hear what you most fear you are.

Location 399:

The nicest thing about my life, now, is that I am here with me most of the time.

Location 419:

To live happily with a pet, one must first accept the responsibility of disciplining it consistently and firmly with much love! To live happily with ourselves … it is the same.

Location 425:

I can tell how secure I am now. I no longer clean the house the day before the maid comes!

Location 430:

In youth … man seems to satisfy loneliness with passion …. And in maturity … aloneness … with compassion. What a pity the difference is most often discovered after muscle and bone can no longer climb to the top of the mountain.

Location 433:

I have come to regard unrequited love like a hole in a sock. Mend it, or discard it! Don’t just stand there with cold feet!

Location 435:

Disciplining one’s self can be carried too far. It is alright to relax part of the time. Even the soils is richer when it rests every seven years.

Location 449:

I walk down another street.