Location 2145:

“Just like that never occurred to me about Crane,” Murphy said. “So the Skavis... he could be anyone.” “I’m pretty sure he’s not me,” I said. “I’m almost as sure he’s not you.” “Are you sure you’re a professional investigator?” “I sometimes wonder.”

Location 2389:

We walked together to the parking lot, and on the way Elaine said, “Tell me you’ve gotten a new car.” We rounded a corner, and there was the Beetle in all its battle-scarred glory. “I like this one,” I told her, and opened the door for her. “You redid the interior,” she said as I got in and started the car. “Demons ate the old one.”

Location 4102:

The dog wasn’t six inches behind the Skavis agent as it closed on me, its one remaining arm raised up to... well, hit me. But given how hard the blow was going to be, I upgraded the verb to smite. He was about to smite me.

Location 5963:

“Padawan,” I said, “I’m doubling your pay.” “You don’t pay me, Harry.” “Tripling it, then.”

Location 6164:

“Dresden,” Marcone said, his tone pleasant. Helen made no move to stir from where she was. “It’s nice to see you alive. Your sense of humor, of course, remains unchanged, which is unsurprising, as it seems to have died in your adolescence. Presumably it entered a suicide pact with your manners.”